
B.C. asks appeal court to reconsider decision allowing drug consumption in public spaces

B.C.'s attorney general is appealing a court decision that put the brakes on the province's plans to crack down on drug use in public spaces.

B.C. announces expanded addictions treatment and recovery services

Premier David Eby joins officials in introducing new services for substance users the day after it was revealed that toxic illicit drugs killed a record number of people in B.C. last year.

Pop the bubble wrap and let kids play outdoors, pediatricians say

Climbing a tree, tobogganing or rough-and-tumble play are all outdoor activities that children should be encouraged to do to promote health, Canadian pediatricians say in new guidance.

Senior hospitalized with multiple infections suffered neglect in care home, children allege

A 74-year-old woman with dementia who was admitted to hospital with multiple serious infections suffered medical neglect at a nursing home in Barrhead, her children allege.

Nishnawbe Aski Nation holds emergency meeting in Ottawa amid surge in sudden deaths on First Nations

After a string of recent youth suicides and unexplained deaths in First Nations across northwestern Ontario, federal government officials and Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) leaders gathered Wednesday at an emergency meeting with federal officials in Ottawa.

Should Canada ban future generations from smoking?

Ottawa Public Health is recommending the federal government consider a New Zealand-style generational smoking ban, which sought to prevent anyone born after 2008 from ever buying tobacco products in their lifetime.